lightroom: photoshoot #1 selection-

The screenshots above are a selection from the original 700 that I decided to continue working with, many of the images I didn’t select were either doubles of other images, or had an issue with the ISO or blur that I didn’t like, or they were simply not the sort of pictures I was going for. I ended up having 50 images in Lightroom at this stage.

The next stage was to go through and flag the images using the SHIFT+P/X shortcut depending on my gut reaction. Then I gave all the ones I flagged as “keep” a star rating from 3-5, 3 being the lowest.

I put the remaining images through another rating process using the Colour Label function, (green=keep yellow=maybe red=reject). I based this on how much the individual image worked with the others as a set and also how much I felt it kept with my original idea for the narrative I’m planning.

Next, I added a filter to only see green images on my screen in order to have a better idea of the set of photos I was working with. I decided to look through the images again and double check ratings, re-evaluate and change any ratings if necessary, and ended up moving two images out of the “green” category and into the “yellow”, leaving me with my final nine pictures and allowing me to start developing those images.

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