What Makes an Image Iconic?

There are many factors to think about when you are considering an image to be iconic. The actual definition of iconic is, relating to or of the nature of an icon. This infers that images are usually iconic if it contains a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration.

There must be some criteria when considering an image to be iconic since it’s a strong word for an image or anything in general to be labelled as. Susan Bright asked, when thinking about criteria “What is the social value of the image?”, “Does it reinforce or undermine dominant ideologies?”, “Where does it sit in the history of photography and in social history?”, “Does it have any metaphorical messages beyond the frame?” These questions usually identify the iconic nature of an image. For example, if the social value is strong, if it reinforces dominant ideologies, if it sits recently and popularly in photography or social history and if it has strong metaphorical messages beyond the frame, an image usually becomes iconic.

An iconic image is well-known and extremely popular. Even if an individual might not know the context or background of the image, they will have recognized it from media sources, posters, merchandise etc. and would have had many connections with the photograph. You may even say that the image is overused. Take the Queen, for example. Her effigy has been reproduced 220 billion times in more than 130 different colors. It’s been on stamps, money, merchandise etc. Her image is said to be one of the most iconic images in the world, and we would all know it if we saw it.

Another factor when considering whether an image is iconic or not is the photographic strategies that are used. For example, this image to the bottom of this paragraph is Guerrillero Heroico. It is an iconic photograph of Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara taken by Alberto Korda. There are many photographic strategies within this image that help upkeep and enhance its iconic view. For example, the camera angle is from below, making the subject appear large, and powerful. The original image was much wider, however it has been cropped for dramatic effect and other photographic information within the image has been removed to make it even more graphic and to single the subject out, to again enhance his power. The black and white were enhanced when the image was printed and reproduced, the photo was therefore made to look more dramatic and important. His gaze is also important, it shows his vision and strength, especially since it is upturned. Korda said himself, as he took the image, he was drawn to Guervara’s facial expression which showed, what he said,” absolute implacability” as well as anger and pain. The Maryland Institute College of Art called this image” a symbol of the 20th Century and is one of the most famous images of all time. Versions of it have been painted, printed, digitized, embroidered, tattooed, silk screened, sculpted or sketched on nearly every surface imaginable.

Guerrillero Heroico - Wikipedia

Consider this image below, let’s discuss the criteria. This photograph was taken at a Black Lives Matter protest and has been widely spread throughout the media as it shows a black person helping a white person. This provides a wonderful message of equality and love, and how races can join to fight against something that is wrong within the world.

What is the social value of the image? This image is highly socially valuable. The protest in general, are very valuable to not only to black lives, but to all races that support the movement, have experienced racism or police brutality, family members of people who have experienced this etc. This is not only valuable to a certain community of people. Police brutality is also a huge problem that nearly every single member of the public disagrees with, therefore the protests are highly valuable, thus images of the protests are highly valuable. This image in particular would be valuable because it shows two kinds of races together in unity and not hate. Thus going against racism which is a problem the public want to solve.

Does it reinforce or undermine any dominant ideologies?
The answer is simply yes. The dominant ideology that has been maintained for a number of years is that white people are superior to black people, and also that police are superior to the citizens and are able to do whatever they like. The protests were mainly to stop police brutality after the nursed of George Floyd, however this image undermines the ideology that white people are superior to black people. This specific image shows that we are all equal and that we should help each other, regardless of our race. Within this image it also shows the white person as inferior and a black person as superior as he is helping the white person. However, I disagree with this message as equality is what we should be looking for, just an interesting perspective.

Where does it sit in the history of photography and in social history? It sits very recently in both. Which is most probably why the image has done so well. The image is relevant to today’s issues and today’s events. The camera quality shows that it sits recently in photographic history, and more obviously the date it was taken, and also the clothing within the image and the technology shown within the image.
Does it have any metaphorical messages beyond the frame? I touched on a number of messages above that this image may have. It has a metaphorical message of equality and how no matter our race, we should all help each-other. We should not prejudice due to our skin colour. We are all human, we all bleed the same, therefore we should take care of each other.

The photographic strategies used are also interesting. It is taken almost face-on however a little below to make the black man appear strong and large, which is the opposite of racists ‘beliefs’ of black people which are that they are inferior and weak. The photographer also got it from an angle where the two subject’s are surrounded by police in lots of protective gear, enforcing the idea of police brutality and fear of the police, however the two seem almost untouched by the police, giving the message of freedom and rebellion against the brutal police force.
Because that specific image reached all of that criteria positively, we may say that it is an iconic image.