Task 3: Response

Shoot Plan

WHAT: This shoot is about capturing and exploring different textures and surfaces. My plan is to walk around my house and where I live looking for different surfaces. Already, I plan to take pictures of cracked and peeling paint, wood knots, wood grain, and bricks. I am going to mainly shoot things straight on therefore not showing any depth but I may change the angle of the camera for some shots to show some depth and 3d look in the image.

WHERE: I have an old shed near my house that belongs to my family that is rotting and has a lot of peeling and cracked paint on it which I can photograph. I am also going to wander around my yard and the lanes near my house looking for different surfaces and textures, for example rotting wood, leechy walls, bricks, rusty metal and so on. There are also some wooden beams in my house that are full of cracks and wholes from wood worms.

WHEN: I will try and shoot everything at once and will do it on day when it is not too sunny. This will give me nice even lighting across the subjects rather than harsh shadows and high contrast.

HOW: I am going to use my canon 70d for all of these photos and not use my phone. I am doing this because I need to capture as much detail as possible if I need to crop in or adjust the framing. I am going to use a mixture of my 50mm 1.8 and the kit lens depending on how much light I can get. For example there will be no issues outside as there will be plenty of light.

Contact Sheet

This surfaces photoshoot was successful, I think I accurately captured some images that are similar to the style of Aaron Siskind. The I imported the images into Lightroom I filtered the good images by pressing ‘P’ on the keyboard to flag them. I edited them and then rated them with one or two stars depending on how good each edit was.

Edit Process


Evaluation / Comparison

These are my favourite images because I think they look the more professional compared to some of the others that just look like anyone has taken a random picture of pain pealing. I also thing they resemble Aaron Siskind’s style well. Once I had edited them they look older and more like something he would take. Overall I am very happy with the way these images came out.

The top image looks a bit like a dear or some sort of animal, I didn’t realise this until later when I was editing it. The knot in the wood looks like and eye and there is a crack in thee wood on the bottom left that looks like a mouth. This links well to his photos as he often looks for patterns or shapes in his the picture he takes.

The second image I really like because I managed to get the perspective exactly right. By this I mean that I shot it square on to the surface so none of the lines are warped or bowing. I like the way the cracks and pealing paint are all over the image. I also like the contrast between the white paint and the dark shadows of the wood underneath, it brings a good balance to the image.

Overall I am very happy with the way these images came out.

One thought on “Task 3: Response”

  1. Well done…keep moving through the tasks and be prepared to take some creative risks while showing that you understand the formal elements, abstract imagery and how to break the rules of image making along the way!

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