i will be taking photographs of other students. These photos will be new photos i have taken and some will be ones that i have taken recently .
i will be taking a variety of photos indoors and outdoors. The outdoor ones will be based around town and the indoor ones will be taken at home.
I will be using a Canon EOS 1100D.
This will allow me to get good quality photographs. It will show a range of different lighting from natural daylight and artificial lighting. Taking photographs outdoors will show the “place” which will give the viewer a preview of what the subject is doing and where he is.
Identity is what represents you, what identifies and separates you from different people. This can be done through your appearance, the way you dress or more internal things such as mental illnesses or emotions that you are known for e.g always being happy or having a short temper.
Cultural Identity: can be represent a range of different things:Cultural identity: This is when people identify in a specific group or culture this generally refers to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture.
Gender Identity: This relates to what gender a person identifies as either a female or male (however in some cases people can identify as non-binary or gender fluid where they prefer not to identify as any gender.)
Social identity: This type of identity is similar to cultural Identity as its the type that makes you stand out from society such as your job or the way you dress.
Geographical identity: This relates to what helps to represent you; which is determined by where you are in the world this could be shown through how different countries dress differently or how they look.
Political Identity: This refers to what political party or movement that you follow and or represent.
Lack of / loss of identity: As mentioned before Identity is what truly represents you and what makes you stand out from other people; therefore lack/loss of identity is when a person feels as though they have lost their identity. This can be due to mental illnesses such as anxiety, clinical loneliness, depression; or other things such as grief , or just loosing something which made them, them.