Studio Image ANALYSIS

Image result for jake hicks photography"

Technical: Here Hicks uses gel lighting using both orange and blue gels, this creates a bold and striking effect onto the image. Here the camera has been placed on a tripod to keep the camera steady when taking this picture; this avoids motion blur from the photographer. Here the ISO has a low sensitivity shown through the clearness and and detail of the image . There is texture shown through the lace detail in her bodysuit and her hair. The focal point is clearly on the model as she is the sharpest point in the photograph especially focused on the models torso. This is image has both warm and cold tones due to the orange and blue colours being used, I think these two colours work well combined.

Visual: Again the colours in this image are extremely important to the photograph, I think this combined with the models pose evokes the feeling of confidence. Here the image seems clearly 3D due to he way the lights highlight and contour the model. This is shown especially in her arms as the orange, highlights the sides of her arms making them stand out and different to the background. Here the eye is first lead the models collarbones as it one of the lightest parts of the image. Rule of thirds definitely applies to this image as as the ratios seem to be highly equal.

Contextual: Jake Hicks mainly tries to focus on bold and colourful creations in his photographs; here he achieves this through the use of gel lightnings. Hicks tries ton create a different set up for each shoot creating unique outcomes every-time. At a young age he learnt how to use shutter speed and these same techniques of short and long exposure are still present in his work today.

Conceptual: Although most of his work is done for commercial use, and to try and create the best possible image for the clothes or hairstyle used and created by companies. He tries to make the models look and feel confident as that’s vital in order to help sell their business items.

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