Below are my two final images from tableau vivant shoot. I have chosen these images because they portray the notion of how women stereotypically act in the public eye.
final image one

I have chosen this to be one of my final images because it portrays how women shop, by being very thoughtful and making the time an experience. Women are supposed to enjoy shopping and have a good time while out in the shops. I enjoy to candidness of the photograph and how natural it looks for the viewer. I like the warmth of the colours in the image and how they relate to the happy feeling a shopper has while shopping. If i were to take this photograph again, I would try to get more of the body in and position myself in a better place, so that the shelf would not be in the shot, because it does distract from the individual in the photograph.
final image two

I have chosen this to be one of my final images because I also think it relates to stereotypical things women enjoy, eg shopping, clothes and shoes. In the media women are portrayed to enjoy girly things and this photograph definitely epitomises this notion. I enjoy how staged this image is and it truly shows how the individual feels about the shoe. The background of the image really links to the stereotypical shoe shop, with lots of shoes that are very high end and expensive. If i were to take this photograph again I would try to get more of the background of the shoe shop in the photograph, as i feel it would improve the overall feel of the photograph. I would also try to centre the individual to improve the overall aesthetics of the image.
whole shoot evaluation
Overall I think this shoot had a few strong images that relate to my predetermined idea for the shoot. However I did feel that i truly was passionate about the images I was taking as the tableau vivant project didnt really inspire me to be creative. If i were to do this whole shoot again, I would try not to rush the image taking process and take photographs that really are interesting to me and inspire me to take more of these sorts of images.