Street photography, which is sometimes called candid photography, is mainly about capturing random incidents and unmediated encounters in public places. It is often seen as a way of observing the streets.

Here, Street Photography tends to focus on peoples behaviours in public, therefore seen as a way of documenting how society behaved in that time period.Many people such as photojournalists and social documentary photographer, work in a similar way to street photographers, here they all try and capture news worthy events where people are visibly in the public domain. There have been many problems with ethics over the years, over consent and laws of privacy which can be difficult for people trying to take pictures in the streets.

Street photography dates back the the original invention of photography itself, in the early 20th century. Here the first few were taken in the street, showing that street photography started at the same time.

Many people are scared of the idea of street photography due to the fear of being “caught”, here many people suggest using heavily populated zones and cities as then people are more aware that their photo might be taken. After a while of staying in that spot photographers tend to feel more confident and get better shots.

Well known photographers tend top try and shown the emotion and thought process that that person mkay be going through in that particular moment. Here this can be shown though the facial expression of even just the eyes.

History of Photography:

Tableau Vivant Photoshoot plan-

With this shoot, I am planning to do a photoshoot to recreate a historical painting. I will be working off a work by John William Waterhouse, and representing a key story from Greek mythology.

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“Echo and Narcissus” by John William Waterhouse

This is a painting depicting a scene from a Greek myth; the story of Echo and Narcissus. Echo was a nymph who was cursed to only be able to repeat the last words spoken to her and never speak on her own, so she wandered the woods alone. Narcissus was a handsome young man who got separated from his friends in the woods one day and came across Echo, who immediately fell in love with him but couldn’t say so, because of her curse. Then came a confusing moment where Echo repeated exactly what Narcissus said to her again and again, and eventually he grew annoyed and said he could never love her. She became so upset that she ran into a nearby cave and collapsed, starving herself until she withered away and only her voice was left, repeating the last things said to her. Narcissus was later cursed by the goddess of revenge for refusing Echo’s love and he fell madly in love with his own reflection in a nearby pond, refusing to leave it for even a second. Eventually he also starved to death by the same pond.

what- recreate this image with a modern twist, so the roles are gender-swapped and the setting is modern as well.

who- two friends wiling to pose, gender swapped, so that Narcissus will be played by a girl and Echo by a boy, because I think it will be interesting to see how the overall tone of the scene changes when the gender roles are reversed

where-in an outside environment, maybe a garden of a field

how- will explain the story of Echo and Narcissus to the two “models” so that they understand the roles they will be portraying, then set them up in the pose and start shooting. I might get them to move around naturally in those characters and capture some images in a similar style but with slightly different positions. I will dress them in the same colour schemes but most likely not exactly the same style of clothing, and I will have Narcissus look into a phone instead of a pond’s reflection, to make the image more modern.

other notes- there will be no actual nudity involved


A Tableau Vivant, French for ‘living picture’, is a static scene containing one or more actors or models. They are stationary and silent, usually in costume, carefully posed, with props and/or scenery, and may be theatrically lit. It thus combines aspects of theatre and the visual arts. The creator of Tableau photography was a French man called Jean-François Chevrier, he used it in relation to a form of art photography. It began in the 1970’s and 1980’s.

Jeff Wall

Jeff Wall is a Tableau photographer who recreates pieces with many plain and bold colours. He is a Canadian artist best known for his large-scale back-lit cibachrome photographs and art history writing. Wall has been a key figure in Vancouver’s art scene since the early-1970s.

Image result for jeff wall

The colours in the photo are very plain consisting of beige, subtle yellows and browns as well as darker, bolder, blue and black tones with very hints of bright, striking colours such as the reds and oranges dotted around the photo adding a contrast which further adds variety to the photo making it an interesting composition.

Tableaux Vivants-

“Tableau vivant” is a French phrase, literally meaning a “living picture.” They feature a single or several models/actors who have been staged and posed by the photographer. Often they recreate a famous historical or artistic scene, wearing costumes or holding props. This may be a famous painting, myth, story from the Bible or other religious book, scene from a film, or even a dream.

Image result for tableau vivant of famous paintings hd"
Image result for tableau vivant of famous paintings hd"
“Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks” by Ilya Repin

Tableaux can be used to represent a number of issues in modern society, such as gender roles, the meaning of masculinity, identity, sexism, poverty, political issues or environmental problems. If they do depict a recreation of a scene, there may be some vital changes made such as possible roles being gender-swapped, or more modern issues making an appearance, like pollution or the impacts of war and poverty.

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“The Dining Room (Francis Place)” by Sarah Jones
Image result for hustlers dicorcia"
Brent Booth; 21 years old; Des Moines, Iowa; $30“, from the series ‘Hustlers’ by Phillip-Lorca diCorcia

In this way, it essentially combines theatre and photography together, as often the tableaux are shot with dramatic theatrical lighting to properly recreate the effect of the original painting. However tableaux vivants aren’t a modern invention, as it was a popular dinner-party game in the Victorian era to recreate famous Shakespeare scenes or well-known Greek myths in the style of a tableau vivant.

tableau VIVANT

what is tableau vivant?

tableau vivant is a static scene of one or more actors or models, who are silent and stationary. The actors or models are normally in costume and carefully posed, in a dramatic way, to tell a narrative.

mood board of tableau vivant

Above are the ideas I like for tableau vivant. The photographs I have annotated ‘+’ are from photographers I am interested in as the look at gender roles and lack of identity. I will also look more into these photographers too.