Studio Lighting Experimental

Original edit, uncoloured

For these images i opened up my original edited photo on Photoshop and used photo filters in image adjustments, selecting each different colour and increasing them to about 80% density. The first three are the primary colours, and the next three are the secondary colours. My favourite colour filters are the warmer tones, like red, orange and purple because they match the pink paint streak on my shirt and warms up my skintone

Here i experimented with different dark filters. First was classic black and white which adds a defined aspect to any picture. I adjusted the contrast, shadows and highlights to the pre-set black and white setting. To invert i only used the invert filter in image adjustments, which gave it an alien, somewhat confusing and odd view. I chose threshold to blacken the image and give a silhouette feel, still with detail. I adjusted the levels and highlights, and made sure that specific details such as the sleeves and shoes were maintained, but opted to have a blacked out face

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