Street Final Outcome

This was my favourite image following the work of Vivian Maier. The main thing that striked me about this image is the man’s expression, I found it interesting as it makes the audience wander what the man is thinking about or what he has seen. Here the repetition of the tiling created a semantic field which brings the attention onto the man in the photo. I think that the tonal range worked well as its clearly shown as the darkest point being the gap for the doorway near Fox and Whistle and the lightest points being the lights in the shop and the brightness in the sky.

I think that this image well resembles Henri Carter – Bresson’s work. Here I wanted the main focus of the image to be on the texture of the ground and the man’s body language. Overall I think that this is a successful photograph as I tried to keep the angle in which this image was taken, similar to his work; however I still managed to capture the mans body language and his environment. I again quite like the repetition used with the tiling on the floor as although the eye is lead firstly to the different type of tiling on the floor it is then lead onto the man. I find that is resembles this image in which I analysed earlier.

One of Henri Carter – Bresson’s Work

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