street photography

Street Photography Definition –

Also referred to as candid photography, street photography focuses on unique chance encounters of people during every-day life (public).

Street Photography Intro –

Sharing some themes with candid photography, street photography is a vehicle used to record everyday life in a public space (street), most of the time without the subjects knowledge in order to increase the photos reality. First emerging in the 19th century, Eugène Atget photographed the busy streets if Paris, and it’s major change in weather. Although, Henri Cartier-Bresson is most known for popularizing the sub-genre street photography and ultimately Photo Journalism.

Many of the ‘original’ or most know street photographs are in black and white, in contrast to how we see the world, which could be to allow more political messages such as the effects of war to impact the viewer rather than bright colours which could distract from the serious/ intended message. However, during the 1960s and more recently, street photography does emphasize bright colours in order to show change and modern society and life.

Street photography – London

How I edited my images into a glitch effect –

This edit and effect was inspired by artist such as – Sophie Calle and Henrik Malmstrom, photographers who purposefully reduce the quality of their images in order to make a ‘CCTV’ effect, which I tried to replicate in this idea.

In order to gain the glitch effect I used a few techniques from the website which I linked below, where I used the rectangular maquee tool in order to select an area of the image and then move it slightly to distort the image. (I repeated this multiple times copying the selected area onto a new layer each time) I then merged ll of the copied parts of the image and selected blending options and unticked the ‘R’ button so that these sections were coloured. Finally, I changed the main image to black and white and increased the levels, noise and sharpness of the image in order to reduce the quality.

Useful Sources –

How make a glitch effect in Photoshop

Ode to Surveillance

Final Outcomes –

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