Below are my final outcomes in response to environmental portraiture, as they are interesting and eye catching.
final image one

This is one of my final images, as I think is very eye catching and the pose the individual is in is interesting, and also relates to the environment they are in, which is the gym. The eye contact is very strong, which I also think is a striking element part of this photograph and adds interest for the viewer. The composition is also strong to as the bar is framing the photograph. If I were to take this photograph again, I would shoot it in front of a better background, as this one is kind of distracting, and doesn’t really relate to the gym.
final image two

This is one of my final images, as I enjoy the linear aspects of the photograph as it is very aesthetically pleasing, and easy on the eye. The individual is captured straight on, which also is nice to look at and relates to documentary portraiture too. Overall I think this is a very nice photograph as there are no distractions, the individual is holding eye contact and the colours are prominent and bold. If I were to take this photograph again, I would try and get more of the legs in, as then it would include more of the linear aspects into the photograph.
final image three

This is one of my final images, as I find it has the best background, which relates to my individuals environment, because it shows most of the gym. Although the gyms layout is not very aesthetically pleasing, it shows the best response to the environmental portraiture. If I were to take this photograph again, I would focus more on the face as it is slightly blurred, which brings down the overall quality of the image.
whole shoot evaluation
Overall, I felt these photographs came out quite well. This was my first time using my camera to take pictures of people, so I was impressed with my own camera skills. I don’t think the closely related to ARNOLD NEWMAN, but I think that is because I was nervous to tell the individual to change their position and go to another area of the gym.

If I were to conduct this shoot again, I would try to get more shots at different areas of the gym, meaning when it came to the selection process, I would have more of a choice of backgrounds. This means that I would have more of a varied array of photographs. I would also try and focus the camera better, as some of the photographs came out blurred. Next time, I would try to direct my individual in a more efficient way, as some of the photographs didn’t really come out well because the individual wasn’t where I wanted them to be.