Photoshoot Plan

What are you photographing?

I will be taking environmental portraits to show people’s lifestyle and work/hobbies.

When you conducting the shoot?

I will be doing the photoshoot after school and over the weekend.

Where are you working?

I will be going into town and I will visit the market and other places.

How are you going to produce this image?

I will using a cannon camera and my Iphone to take these photographs.


Final three images:

These where my top three images out of my natural and urban landscape shoot. I edited all three changing them to black and white keeping the same theme throughout. I then had the images printed. To present them, I created a black frame for the first image, combining the natural and man made features. For the other two images, of the urban landscape, second down and the natural landscape, third down. I mounted them on foam board.

The first and second images are part of my top three images from my urban landscape shoot. The third image is part of my top three images from my natural landscape shoot.

Top landscape images: