romantic landscape

Romanticism was an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century. Romanticism was characterized by its emphasis on emotion and individualism as well as glorification of all the past and nature. As an artistic style, it is strongly emotional, evocative of a vivid imagination. Sometimes, it actually represents the irrational emotions and subjective experiences of the artist.

Romanticism has long since been associated with landscape. In the medium of photography, the sense of romance of the landscape features its blossoming spirit.

Contact sheet

I adjusted the threshold on all of these pictures to match the style of Keld Helmer-Petersen. I also used a paint bucket to fill in white spots and create a smooth set of images

Keld helmer-petersen

Just Threshold effect

Extension –

Threshold effect layered
Extension Doubled

Evaluation –

When comparing both my final outcomes, I would say that my interpretation of the extension task worked better as there are multiple flipped/ distorted images layered on top of each other with different opacity’s. This effect adds more depth and visual illusion to the overall image; combining an older style of photo editing(Threshold/ Black and White) with a more surreal way of editing(Layering images and distorting their aspects).

By using the threshold effect, and adjusting the level of threshold visibility, objects, buildings or people can be transformed to silhouettes – very under exposed and completely black. Wheres areas such as the sky are pure white and very over exposed.

urban landscapes contact sheets

Over the past 2 days, I have gone out, at around 5. I went around this time so I could get good lighting, strong contrasts and dramatic shadows. Some of my photographs have been NICHOLAS NIXON, as I took photographs capturing structured buildings and the natural landscape it sits in. I have also gone in and selected my favourite outcomes, which I will edit and evalute.


This is the original photograph of a reservoir in Jersey
For this photograph I took away all colour to see what it wood look like, and how much the colors would contrast. After changing the grey-scale I adjusted the image to bring out a darker tone to the leaves and some of the trees and bushes in the background and a brighter tone to the sky and water creating more of a contrast that in colour.

After I had done this and though it had the right amount of shadows and brightness I went back to the colored version and tried so brighten the colour but i thought it did look as effective as the grey-scale photograph.
Original Photograph of another reservoir in Jersey
original photograph of the rozel bay area
In this edit i cropped out the water and just focused on the rocks and trees and what the sea has done to affect the rocks in this image.
Original photograph of a beach in jersey.
Original Photograph of a reservoir in Jersey
Original Photograph of a reservoir in Jersey
This image i decided not to edit and just leave as natural.
Original Photograph of a reservoir in Jersey
I didn’t really edit much in this image because i thought that it looked quite good as it was originally, I cropped the image so that less people couldn’t be seen.
I didn’t really edit much in this image because i thought that it looked quite good as it was originally ,I cropped the image so that less people and the buildings couldn’t be seen.
Original photograph of Sicily
Original photograph of Sicily in Milazzo the bay area.
Original photograph of Sicily in Milazzo the bay area.
Original photograph of a beach in jersey.
Original photograph of a beach in jersey.
Original photograph of Sicily


Image result for city landscapes black white

Urban landscapes today feature spaces that focus on preserving natural resources while creating environments that are inviting to human and wildlife populations. This is especially important in this time of global change. Urban landscapes must be designed to meet the needs of today and the growth of tomorrow.


A photographic typology is a study of “types”. That is, a photographic series that prioritizes “collecting” rather than stand-alone images. It’s a powerful method of photography that can be used to reshape the way we perceive the world around us.

Image result for typology photography

One of the first photographic topological studies was by the German photographer August Sander, whose project ‘People of the 20th Century’ (40,000 negatives were destroyed during WWII and in a fire) produced volume of portraits entitled ‘The Face of Our Time’ in 1929. Sander categorized his portraits according to their profession and social class. 

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The term “typology” however, was first used in 1959 when Bernd and Hilla Becher began documenting their architectural photographic series. Depicting decaying urban landscapes, each photograph was taken at exactly the same angle, from the same distance, with the same exposure settings. With the aim of recording a landscape in flux, the Becher couple described their subjects as “buildings where anonymity is accepted to be the style”.


New topographics was a term coined by William Jenkins in 1975 to describe a group of American photographers (such as Robert Adams and Lewis Baltz) whose pictures had a similar banal aesthetic, in that they were formal, mostly black and white prints of the urban landscape.

This term would later go on to be a type of landscape photography under the category of urban photography as it explores as it captures human development and expanding urban landscapes showing scale and detail about cities and populated areas.

Image result for NEW TOPOGRAPHICS

Some of the photos above show natural landscape behind the urban man-made structures which shows contrast in man/nature, often showing that mankind is expanding too fast and destroying the Natural Landscapes. This shift from Natural Landscape Photography to Urban Landscapes showing natural elements (Natural Landscapes in the background) shows how over time the world has and could well become more/overly urbanized if little is done to slow or halt man from expanding cities and urban areas across the many beautiful Natural Landscapes that Photographers like Ansel Adams captured so greatly. These images als show a juxtaposition because of the ordinary everyday architecture that is placed in amazing beautiful scenery. This could be controversial because of the personal perception of the images.