Below are my favourite outcomes from this shoot, either because they are personally eye-catching or they are directly inspired by the photographer I was inspired by, MINOR WHITE
outcome 1

I have chosen this as one of my favourite outcomes because I feel it is directly inspired MINOR WHITE, in the sense I have tried to gain the same tonal range he has captured, meaning this photograph has intense blacks, bright white and every tone in between. I also feel it is similar to a photograph of WHITES, pictured below, as they both have a similar sky and the way light scatters is similar too.

outcome 2

I have chosen this as one of my favourite outcomes because I feel it closely relates to the theme of romanticism, in the sense that the landscape is idyllic and awe inspiring. I like how subtle the oranges are in the sky and the way the cloud sit and diagonally drag from left to right. The light sky then is balanced out by the dark sand, which I personally find very eye-catching. The bottom half of the image is linear, whereas the sky is more free flowing, which I find interesting too.
outcome 3

I have chosen this as one of my favourite outcomes because of the intense colours and the reflection on sand is very eye-catching. The cloud arrangement is particularly intricate, and it is interesting when the light hits the clouds too. I enjoy the dramatic darks and how they balance and contrast with the vibrant oranges and yellows.
Overall I am happy with all of my photographs I have taken and all of my final outcomes, as they are what I imagined them to be. I am also impressed with my photographs that were inspired by MINOR WHITE, in the sense that I think his work is incredible and for my pieces to hold the dramatic mood, is what I was hoping for. If I were to do this shoot again, I think I would try to capture a few more elements and at few different angles, because then I would have vaster range of photographs.