Fields (St. Ouens)
These photos were taken just before the sunset. I also changed the exposure on some of these images to get different contrasts. I’ve selected my favourite images and decided which ones I won’t use.

Best Photos
I picked these images because each of them are different from each other and have something unique about them whether it’s the angle they’ve been taken from, the lighting or the scenery/individual trees. Each photo has something that the eye is automatically drawn to and they each have a main focus. Some things to point out about the uniqueness of some of the photo are: the bramble leaves in the first photo are the main focus and that is exaggerated even more due to the natural lighting from the sun shining through them, in the second photo the bushes each side of the path make the photo more or less symmetric and the light from the sun contrasts nicely with the darker looking hedges.
original over exposed under exposed
original over exposed under exposed
orignial over exposed under exposed
original over exposed under exposed
original over exposed under exposed
Editing My Best Image
In this edit I used HDR toning to bring out the best colours and tones from high and low exposure and from the original photo.

I adjusted the photo to black and white and I got inspiration to do this from Ansel Adams and I tried to get every shade in Adams’ zone system.