Ansel Adams was born in San Francisco, California in February 20, 1902. Initially, he was first drawn to landscape photography when going out to national parks where he decided that he wanted to capture the way he saw the beautiful landscapes and wanted others to be able to envision what he saw first hand .

At the time of which Adams was taking these images, there wasn’t the technology to allow for any sort of compact form and so he had to hike up mountains while carrying a multitude of heavy, bulky equipment just to capture his ideal/perfect image hence why Adams’ work is very famous to the present day as his work separates him from other photographers of the era due to his incredible attention to detail as well as the perseverance to capture them throughout his images.

Adams also created his own light grading system which provides much more depth in his images by creating different light levels in the photograph resulting in contrasts within the image as your eyes react to the different lights.

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