In my collection, I focused on the non- conventional aspects of the theme ‘Mathematics’ and instead focused on capturing a range of different shapes and patterns within my work to create aesthetically pleasing photos. We used the manual focus setting on the camera to take this series of images to help improve our camera skills and techniques.
My Favorite Outcomes:

The reason why I think this image works so effectively is due to the aesthetically pleasing pattern created by the range of magazines. In addition, the vibrancy of the different tones all compliment each other. This photo was taken from a straight on angle and I captured it in natural lighting . Furthermore, the concept of the different rectangular and square shapes created links to the stimuli of ‘Mathematics’.

I particularly like this image due to the layout of the different posters next to each other. In addition, the plain, bright background allows the viewer to focus on the colorful posters as the main aspect in the image. The simplicity of this photo works effectively and it creates identical rectangular frames from the outlines of the posters, therefore linking to the mathematics theme.