who is RICHARD HAMILTON and what does he do?
RICHARD HAMILTON, 1922, was an artist and photographer, that mixed painting and photos to create interesting and unique pieces, that were the earliest pieces of pop art. Throughout his education, HAMILTON, studied art on and off, once being expelled for defying his teachers’ instructions. In WW2, HAMILTON, was a technical draftsman. He has exhibited his work in many places, such as Hanover Gallery and Tate Gallery. HAMILTON died in 2011, in London.
my favourite HAMILTON pieces

These are my favourite pieces by HAMILTON, because I enjoy the bright colours and how he incorporates his/found paintings, photographs and colour blocks together to create a story for the viewer. I like the way HAMILTON uses negative space to add depth and a 3D look.
image analysis

This photo montage is made mostly up of colour blocks or negative space. The negative space brings light and focus to the montage, although it is not technically lighting, the blank spaces act as light. It is mostly flat light though.
The negative space adds dimension to some aspects and creates a 2D feel in some spaces too. The white spaces adds an edge to some parts, such as in the door way. The way the aspects are arranged creates a 3D picture, this happens where the room behind the lady is placed, creates another room, and another part of the story that HAMILTON wanted to add. The way the photo montage is composed, is visually appealing, as the lady is stood on the other side of the busy and heavily filled with objects and negative space.
The use of the women figure links to the time in which the photo montage was created, in the sense that, women were objects and classed subordinate. HAMILTON maybe chose to use the woman, as the main focus to show that women are important to society. Or, did HAMILTON use the woman to show how they can be used and objectified in society.