Key Photo Montage Artists (Europe 1910+)

John Heartfield

Modern looking photo montages, such as Derek Gores work have a different look and feel compared to older looking photo montages, such as John Heartfield.

Derek Gores’ work consists of colour pop (mostly black and white images with certain areas/objects/people highlighted with colour) and darker contrasting. His work may be seen on the cover of a fashion magazine which is a very modern day thing.

On the other hand, John Heartfield’s work has a much older feel to it due to older photos being used in montage being faded, less sharp and having murky brown tones.

Derek Gores
Raoul Hausmann
Image result for rodchenko photomontage
Aleksander Rodchenko

Ideas about Photo Montage

There are no limitations to what you can create in one photo montage:

  • No limit to the amount of time a photographer takes to create the photo montage or the photos for it.
  • Any location
  • Any time
  • Any place
  • Any person/object merged together
  • Any weather
  • Any amount of photos
Image result for peter kennard

Some photo montages may be a combination between photos and videos e.g. Peter Kennard’s work. It also allows you to be creative and create things you wouldn’t be able to make in a normal unedited photo.

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