Technical:The lighting in the photo has been made to create a evil and spooky vibe. this is because of the of the location of the picture and the way he is glaring at us. The photo is quite dark at the front making a shadow focusing on the his face, which draws the viewers attention in contrast of the background which has natural light coming through. The natural day light at the back of the photo gives the photo some life and makes better, However the photo is still a very dark and damp focusing at the front of the photo. The photo has been taken at a mid range shot with a rather wide lens as we can see the factory behind. in conclusion, I think the image is rather cold because of its lighting which suggests that the picture is trying to create fear.
Visual: From first sight of the photo it seems rough and dull as it is quite dark, it is a dark green with then brighter colours coming towards the back. the photo looks very old as it the photo was taken In a antique factory in 1963. The focus point of the photo is the man in centre which it seems like a natural frame behind him which immediately catches our attention as it has been taken up close and the shadows and dark colours that it has created. However, the natural lighting and the trains with a bit of motion blur drags my attention to the top part of the image.
Contextual: Alfred Krupp was a German businessman who owned his own train factory. he helped to build trains to transport the prisoners to the concentration camp. he then moved to start making other things like cannons and guns as he became a supplier of weapons to the Nazi.
Arnold Newman was an American photographer, noted for his “environmental portraits” of artists and politicians. He was also known for his carefully composed abstract still life images. Newman took photos of Krupp to help the Jewish people, few years after this shoot he was sentenced for 12 years imprisonment for convicting crimes.
Conceptual: The reason why Newman decided to take this portrait photograph of Krupp was to make him seem evil. Newman was brave to take this shoot after knowing everything he has done and who he truly was. Taking the photograph in a abandoned factory with trains in it suggested that he built all the trains to transport them to death which would show people who he was.