colour and texture

For this task I took inspiration from Aaron Siskind. He focuses on aged and peeling surfaces, for example: old posters left to rot or old wall paint.

Aaron Siskind’s work

From the stimuli given from Siskind’s work, I focused on the ‘decay’ of walls and buildings which all fitted into our urban lifestyles. My first shoot was based in the old Jersey Brewery, which is now being slowly nocked down and being turned into apartments. However this means there’s more parts of the old building being revealed. I mainly focused on the decay of the building’s crumbling walls and peeling paint.

My response

My second response involved focusing more the textures and lines that came naturally either from natural or decaying objects.

My Second Response

Experiment – Depth of Field

Depth of Field:

In photography, depth of field determines the closest and farthest objects in an image. This can involve the entire image being focus or something in the foreground or background being sharp while the rest of the image appears unfocused. This is useful in highlighting a certain aspect of a frame and can enhance the importance and effect of an object.

Three main factors that affect a photographer’s control over depth of field are the aperture, proximity to the image being photographed and the focal length of the camera lens.

Large aperture = shallow DOF

Small aperture = deep DOF

My Examples:

As visible in the frames above the depth of field greatly affects the appearance of an image. The first two images are focused on the furthest away section of the plant in relation to the position of the camera and create a relatively bland image while the bottom two images are focused on the section of plant in the foreground highlighting the stem in the centre of the image, giving the composition much more life and dimension with different colours and shapes making the image more interesting.

Further Examples:

This is another example of how depth of field reveals different layers of an image, creating different focal areas. This creates a more dramatic image as aspects of the frame are much sharper and bolder.

Shutter speed and exposure

In this photo I had to use a very quick shutter speed so that I could take a sharp photo despite my dog moving around. To keep the image bright (and to show details in the hair) I also used flash.
In this photo I used a short exposure and a longer shutter speed to capture a little movement of the clouds and to keep the photo dark in order to capture the colours in the sky properly.
In this photo I used a very fast shutter speed to capture the waves created by the ducks swimming around. In this photo I also selected the ducks and inverted their colours to make them blend in with the water more. This stops the focus of attention being the ducks and brings more attention to the waves.


Shutter-speed Experimentation

Shutter-speed allows for a camera to pick up on movement, and record the movement in a single photograph. Shutter-speed is the length of time that the sensor of the camera is exposed to light, and so the longer the shutter-speed, the more movement and light the camera can track.

Shutter-speed is useful when attempting to give the sense of movement, and can allow for an image to seem like it has captured a subject moving from one place to another. Examples of images taken with slow shutter-speeds can be seen below:

As using a slow shutter-speed tracks movement, this setting is useful for sports adverts, travel adverts, and any photograph used to show a busy area or the speed of an object.

Shutter-speed can be adjusted by turning the main control dial. Doing this makes the shutter-speed wither faster or slower, and so the shutter-speed can be adjusted easily depending on what kind of photograph is being taken.

The following are examples of photographs I have taken using a slow shutter-speed (of 0 “4 or 0 “6):

These images are taken of light, late at night, as this best shows the movement in a clear and obvious way. In some of the photos the source of the light itself was moving (e.g a cars break lights), and in others I manually moved the camera. The movement of the light was tracked due to the slow shutter-speed, and an be seen in the images.

Shutter-speed can also be adjusted to become faster than normal, meaning that clear images of objects that are moving fast can be captured, showing a freeze-frame of the object without showing it’s movement. Examples of images using a fast shutter-speed can be seen below:

Images like these can be taken and used to show a different perspective of a familiar situation, freezing what is normally a fast action (like a dog shaking). This gives the viewer an interesting look at a situation, and can be used to draw the eye and increase interest.


Keld Helmer- Petersen

Keld Helmer- Petersen was a Danish photographer who took abstract photos for his career. He was inspired by Albert Renger- Patzsch and achieved fame for his colour photographs. He typically took his photographs in daylight. His images had strong tone with light and dark contrasting each other. Peterson was thought to be very fond of line as it is the majority of his work. He also used a lot of patterns.

My interpretation..

After researching about Helmer- Petersen and taking influence from his photography pieces i have chosen four abstract images i have previously taken to edit on Photoshop. In order to edit my images to make them look similar to Helmer- Petersen’s, i have adjusted the threshold, by selecting ‘ adjustments’ after uploading my previous image to Photoshop. I then adjusted the threshold until i was happy with the contrasted image.



My final piece 

For my final pieces, i have made my images heavily contrasted using Photoshop as well as removing all the mid tones and i think they have turned out very successful. Because of the bird cage i have used for two of the pics has the cage effect, this has created the ‘line effect’ that Helmer- Petersen was known to be fond of. I also think that because there was an original reflection of the spoons in the first image it has helped to add more shadowing to the image as well as adding more depth.





Keld Helmer-Petersen – Threshold

Keld Helmer-Petersen:

Helmer-Petersen was born and raised in the Osterbro quarter of Copenhagen (Denmark). His interest in photography began in 1938 when he received a Leica camera as a graduation present. He became aware of international photography trends early on in his photography career. Helmer-Petersen’s interest in contemporary art and architecture heavily influenced his work, as he became one of the first Danish photographers to begin working on abstract photography.

Helmer-Petersen used high thresholds to give his work a dramatic finish. The frames below are examples of my response to the work of Helmer Peterson.

My Response:

Aperture/Depth of Field Experimentation

For my experimentation into aperture and how it effects the depth of field of my photographs, I took multiple photographs of the same subject in order to compare the differences.

Changing the aperture allowed for the depth of field of my image to change. Lowering the aperture meant that the parts of the subject that were in focus were much smaller and more specific, and more of the image was thrown out of focus, whereas raising the aperture allowed for more of the image to stay in focus, and less of the image was thrown out of focus.

Using a lower aperture allows for more emphasis to be placed on the subject still in focus, and draws more attention to specific parts of the subject that are in focus. The following images are the result of my photo shoot, each using different apertures.

For many of the photos, I used the same subject, but either lowered or raised the aperture. Adjusting the aperture also meant that I had to adjust the ISO, depending on how much light was being let into the image. For example, a higher aperture would make the image darker, and so I raised the aperture to allow more light, which makes the image more visible.

Below is an example of where I took 3 images of the same subject, but adjusted the aperture and the ISO, meaning the the depths of field and focus points vary from image to image:

The above image was taken using high aperture (f/10). This high aperture allows for the whole shoe to remain in focus, and all of the detail of the shoe is displayed clearly. Using a higher aperture allows for more of the image to remain in focus, and so the subject (the shoe) can be very clearly seen.

The above image was taken using a slightly lower aperture (f/5). Due to the lower aperture the image became lighter, as more light was allowed into the image. To counteract this, I adjusted the ISO to a lower number in order to give the image a normal amount of light. As I used an aperture of f/5, I adjusted the ISO setting to 200. As shown, the amount of the shoe that is still in focus has reduced. The main focal point is towards the top of the shoe, and just centimetres away the subject begins to fall out of focus. This allows for the focal point to become more obvious, and the attention of the viewer is drawn more to the specific focal point.

The above image was taken with the lowest aperture (f/2.8). Due to this low aperture, I again adjusted the ISO to a lower number (100). This adjustment is ISO means that all of the images allowed in a different amount of light, but still look clear and bright. For this image, the main focus point was towards the bottom of the photograph, and now it is just millimetres away that the subject begins to fall more out of focus. This image has a much more narrow depth of field than the above 2, due to the small amount of the subject that is in focus. This draws maximum attention to the focus point, and is useful when a photographer wants to draw all of the viewers attention to a very specific area, while blurring out the rest of the image. Due to the narrow depth of field, the carpet (background) of the image is completely out of focus, regardless of it only being a short distance away.

Altering aperture and ISO settings of a camera allows for the image taken to either keep the majority of the subject in focus, or just a small fraction in focus. These differences can draw more attention to specific parts of an image, or draw attention to the whole image depending on which way they are used. Adjusting aperture is a useful technique depending on what the goal of the photographer is.

8. Aperture

What is aperture?

The aperture is a hole on a digital camera that adjusts in side in order to control how much light is let into the camera lens. The side of the aperture is measured using the f-stop.

The smaller the f-stop, the more light is let through.

The larger the f-stop, the less light is let through.

Contact sheet:

  • RED – Not usable.
  • YELLOW – Maybe / Needs editing.
  • GREEN – Usable.

This was my favourite image as it displayed the effects of aperture well. I set my camera to use a f-stop of F3.5, ISO 100 and a shutter speed of 1/15. The image shows a good use of focus as the shoe is clear but the background is blurred. The aperture has distorted the front of the shoe to make it appear significantly larger than the rest of the shoe.


Abstract Final Photoshoot

For this photo shoot I have taken inspiration from both Aaron Siskind and partially from Nick Albertson.

Aaron Siskind was born in New York City. He started taking photos after he got a camera as a wedding present. He often worked with natural forms and urban areas he usually looked for the texture in the natural forms he photographed to get the images he wanted. 

This is an example of one of Aaron Siskind’s images. In this image, Siskind only really photographed in black and white. This created a sense of simplicity in the images he produced, even though he focused mainly on texture and line throughout his images. In the image above texture can be seen especially well. Siskind used light in his images to create texture and contrast. The image above shows light coming in from the top left creating shadows on the underneath of some parts that stick out and a larger shadow on the right hand side of the tree.

Nick Albertson was born in 1983 in Boston. He often works with everyday items to create repeating forms which are used to create pattern and texture in his images.

This is one of Nick Albertson’s images. In this image he has created a texture by scattering flat rubber bands all over a black background. This image has been taken from directly above where the elastic bands were scattered over. Albertson doesn’t tend to use shadows in his images, because of this the lighting is the same all the way around the image.

My response:

These are some of the best images that I took while I went on my photoshoot. I have tried to take images that best show line,texture or repeated patterns.

I have picked the image above as it shows a complex texture in the stone wall. I have also picked it due to the repeated texture on the back of the lizard. If I were able to take this image again I would have zoomed into the back of the lizard to get a larger image of the repeated textures over the back of the lizard.

I have picked the image above because the rust is creating a pattern over the top of the metal. This pattern can be seen where the rust goes darker creating brown spots all over the metal.

I have picked these last two images because I have zoomed in quite far into both. By zooming in  it let me see the textures closely in both the rope and the tree. I have taken both of these images outside during the day. This has created a nice shadow on one side of each object, this has worked especially well on the rope as the texture in the rope can be seen quite well in and out of the shaded area. On the tree I could have taken it with a higher ISO or a lower shutter speed so that the the lighter side appeared dimmer letting you see the texture in the tree a lot easier.