All posts by Jack T



Studio portraits

After going into the studio once to test and see what we could do and learn how to do it,  I got about 100 images and then I have taken it down to this group of 17 as possible final images for this shoot

After looking through I selected the images that I thought had the most potential.

Once I had chosen these images I then went into photoshop to edit them.

The centre photo I did in the style of Rankin and drew over the top of it after editing it.

The photo on the right I felt that it needed to be cropped and that it would look good in black and white.

And the left photo I felt that it was composted fine and that i only needed to touch it up and make the colours pop more.

Here are the results:


Studio portrait lighting

The use of lighting is a studio is important because it is an environment that the photographer can control,  this means that the photographer can get the desired effect.

Image result for broad lighting for studio

This is broad lighting and is when the photographer wants to illuminate only one side of the subjects face and sometimes they will use a reflector panel to give some light to the other side but the main focus is on the side with the most light hitting it.

Here is an example:

Image result for broad lighting portraits

In this photo the photographer has placed the light source to the left of the subject and then has no reflector to his right.

My Response:

I put my subject into the centre of the frame and then put a light with a diffuser to my right and then had no reflector.

Environmental portrait– Artist comparison

When comparing my images to the work of Anthony there are some clear differences, with the main two being that with mine there are the large imperfections due to the out of date film, and the other being that with mine I wanted the subjects to be in a position where they would be working similar to Anthony’s work but I wanted them to be looking into the camera because that means that they are directly interacting with the camera and it feels more personal.

I think that having the subject working and kind of interrupting them and not giving them time to do anything other than look at the camera means that it gives an honest impression of them and their working environment.

Environmental Portrait — Editing images

The editing process for the images was very simple as there was very little required, the reason for this is that I had the exposure as I wanted it in camera so I didn’t need to change that and the company that develops it adds my signature in the corner for the high resolution images. The only change that I made was I cropped one of the images slightly because someone else’s hand was in frame.

environmental portraits – photoshoot

After deciding that I wanted to take pictures of local business owners, first I went into the market and took pictures a green grosser, a butcher, a florist and, a sewing supplies shop owner, a chocolatiere  and a Genuine Jersey product seller.

As you can see the pictures that have the florist in the frame has been damaged, at first I thought that this would be bad but after looking at them closer they just make the photos more unique.

I then left the market and went into a few local businesses that were around the area of the market like a card shop. I also went to a church and found the vicar.

Environmental portrait — Shoot Plan

For my photo shoot I plan on going into the market in town as there are many vendors who have big displays and who show their products and things. Something that will make my images different, as others will likely have a similar approach, I will be using a 35mm film camera and the roll of film that I will be using has been expired for about 15 years, this means that there will likely be imperfections in the images like black spots and the grain will be much more apparent. I plan to go to places like butchers, florists and green grocers as they will likely have the most aesthetic displays.

Environmental Portrait — Artist study

Anthony Kurtz

One hour into his first Psychology class at the University of Geneva, Anthony walked out of Science to pursue a career in the Arts in San Francisco. Born in California, raised in Switzerland, Anthony discovered his love for photography while working on his bachelor of fine arts at the Academy of Art University. This marked the beginning of his photographic journey. Anthony specialises in environmental portraiture and creates timeless photographs of people and the spaces they occupy. His cinematic and painterly style seamlessly transitions between documentary and conceptual, capturing the world as it presents itself as well as creating new worlds entirely.

The part of Anthony’s work that I will be focusing on is his environmental portraits, the reason I have chosen his work is because I like the style and composition of his shots. He has the subject in a position and style that they are in day to day, when they are working or going about their business in the environment that they do it in.

I like the style  because it is set up to seem like the subjects are unaware of the photographer.  Image result for anthony kurtz environmental photographyImage result for anthony kurtz environmental photographyImage result for anthony kurtz blacksmith photo

Environmental portraits — mood board

Environmental Portrait is a kind of portrait that shows a person in the place that they are most comfortable or spend the most time. the subject isn’t normally interacting with the camera in any other way than looking at it. This is often called a “stages photograph” this is when the subject is aware and sets up the photograph and they can be sometimes made to look like candid photos and they sometimes can be and a candid photo is one where the subject had little to no knowledge of the photograph and didn’t prepare for it.