All posts by Alex Phillips



Albert Renger Patzsch- The World Is Beautiful

Albert Renger Patzsch was a German photographer associated with the New Objectivity movement, a photography movement focusing on the detail of the world around us formed in Germany during the aftermath of the First World War.

The new objectivity movementĀ  believed that photography was all about capturing the vividness and detail of the world around them and presenting an object in its true form.

Patzsch worked as a press photographer for the Chicago Tribune before becoming a freelance photographer in 1923. In 1925, he published his first book, The Choir Stalls Of Cappenbourg and in 1927 he hadĀ  his first museum exhibition.

Patzsch chose to focus upon both man made and natural structures and creations, from skyscrapers to animals while focusing on the reality and vividness of his pictures.

Patzsch focused a lot on the lighting and shadows of his subjects as well as the contrast and white balance.

Photo Analysis

Image result for albert renger patzsch techniqueImage result for albert renger patzsch sea

Image result for albert renger patzsch seaImage result for albert renger patzsch sea

Image result for albert renger patzsch seaImage result for albert renger patzsch sea

Image result for albert renger patzsch cowImage result for albert renger patzsch


This image depicts a dead cow in a bleak wasteland,possibly an old battlefield. The cow is up a tree, potentially the result of a bomb blast The image is well structured due to the minimal background and the very un-ordinary image of a cow up a tree and the messages it can convey about life and death. The Photo has been taken in daylight against a clear sky and the photographer has angled himself in order to pick up on the shadow and the hills in the background.

Image result for albert renger patzsch cow

My Response to Patzschs work

I decided to focus on the title of his book, Nature is Beautiful for my idea development and I chose to use the sea as my main subject due to the power of it as well as the natural beauty it posesses. Here are my best images from my most recent shoot

In each photo, I have experimented with different ways of emphasizing the sea and making it the subject. I have desaturated rocks, altered the white balance and enhanced blues across every picture in order to capture the vividness of the sea as well as its beauty.

White Paper Challenge


The idea of abstract photography revolves around perception. The eyes perception of a given object. In this exercise, I have explored the idea of manipulating the appearance of a plain white piece of A4 paper and creating many different looks to it and ways of viewing it. I have utilised studio lighting to create shadows and I have either folded, Scrunched up or torn the paper in order to create images that show a wide range of shape, texture and contrast.

I have decided to desaturate every image in Photoshop and alter the brightness, contrast and exposure separately on each image to really highlight the shape, texture and shadows given off by this effect

Here are my outcomes from the Project below presented in a contact sheet

Contact sheet

I used an off-white coloured table with a black wall as the background. I utilised a box light and altered the white and yellow lighting from shot to shot to give off the effect of natural and artificial lighting.

Outcomes and analysis

I like the minimalistic values of this image, Mainly due to the shadow cast by the piece of paper and it generally creating a nice aesthetic.

With this image, I am particularly drawn into the neat folds in the paper and the sharpness of the image. The folds are almost there to separate darker parts of the paper from the light and creates a very nice contrast and rich tone.


For this image, I decided to pinch the piece of paper and twist it around, Which has created an interesting blend of contrast within the paper itself as well as provided an interesting shape and shadows.

The paper has been rolled adn let to unroll and the resulting curl provides quite a dramatic image with a very good blend of shadows and light levels.