Final Book Layout

Link to my book:

The above images I will be placing in my book once it arrives. I liked the tactile feel of Yoshikatsu Fujii’s book ‘Red String’ and as I wasn’t able to do the physical split, I wanted to incorporate physical pictures. I chose these images out of my personal family albums. I chose these images as the two of my parents are of when they were younger at the beginning of their relationship and the others as they were the only photos that I could find that were taken in a similar way for both my mum and dad. I wanted to use a negative as negatives are the closest you can get to the original moment. Negatives were actually in the camera at the moment they were taken.


Overall I’m happy with how my book conveys my emotions about my parents divorce. The split is clearly shown throughout putting the images of my dad upside down making it only readable for one parent at a time. I enjoy having physical photographs as it gives my book a more interactive element, as well as having to turn the book upside to see some of the photos, which i think makes it more interesting rather than having just digital flat images. I also liked including my step-dad in my book as my dad is not re-married and just defines the split between and them and how truly the relationship is over. Including my step-dad was also fun as he is a big part of my life now. I am happy with the blend of portraits, objects and various more ‘aesthetic’ styled photographs. I feel each works in synergy with each other to fortify the emotion behind the book. I enjoy the minimal editing and simple subject photographs as it doesn’t force a reader to come up with meaning, it is already there presented to them. If I was to do this again however, I would experiment with editing and montaging images more. I may also explore not only my parents, but also my entire family, so include images of my sisters and their partners, or I could compare my parents relationship with my own. My critiques of my book would be that I don’t have as many portraits of my mum as i do of my dad, and I don’t have much from their relationship other than photos. It would’ve been nice to include letters, cards or gifts etc.

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