Shoot 1: Baby photos

After selecting my three individual dancers that I wanted to concentrate my photography on, I asked each of the dancers a few questions relating to their dancing experience that would enable me to get a fuller understanding of what dance means to them and essentially aided the story line that will guide my photo book. For this part I simply got baby photographs and images from when they were much younger, both relating to dancing as a child and general life again so I can init this forum to the current real life situation. To me, it was important to get achieve images from when they were much younger as it would help the overall narratives of each of their individual stories and therefore create a better overall story linking all of their images together; basically the idea of having three separate ideas and converging them together to create one end narrative. Baby pictures can help this as it shows a development from when they were all younger to have they have grown into the person they are today; showing a positive trend and how their love of dance has formed over the years and developed. As well as gathering theses images I wanted to add a little detail about each dancer which would aid the development of their own stories There are a few of the younger aged photos of each of my subjects:

Subject 1:(Orla)

Orla has been dancing since the age of 5 and therefore has been dancing for approximately 13 years, Orla enjoys dancing because she is able to show her originality and personality in way she can’t t do in aspect of normal life; also allowing her to escape from reality and her favourite genre of dancing is contemporary. Orla also enjoys other types of performing art such as singing and dancing and is hoping to go to a performing arts school for university.

Subject 2: (Lucy)

Lucy has been dancing since the age of 3 and therefore has been dancing for approximately 14 years, Lucy enjoys dancing because it is a fun way of expressing how you feel whether it be happy or sad and the concept that she is able to focus her mind, keeping on track giving a positive drive in life and her favourite genre of dancing is commercial dancing because she feels it mixes element of contemporary and jazz and that she enjoy lots of sass and expression and this is the perfect type of genre to do so. Lucy has always enjoyed dancing from a every young age and has continued to do so as she is now currently taking Dance A level and therefore also wishing to go to attending a Dance School for university where she hopes to refine her skills.

Subject 3: (Ellise)

Ellise has been dancing since the age of around 7 and therefore has been dancing for approximately 10 years, however before dancing Ellise was a gymnast which is where she developed and found her fondness of dancing. Ellise enjoys dancing because it a genuinely enjoyable experience and a positive way of expressing how she feels and her favourite genre of dancing is hip hop. Ellsie is also part of a competition team that has competed at nationals, international and worlds where her team placed an amazing seventh place.

For these images when incorporating into my book I wanted to leave the colour format opposed to turning them into black or white format or a darker temperature at that; this decision of leaving a colourful images for the younger aged images was because I wanted to keep these images as a more innocent projection of my subjects and as the photoshoots begin to develop I wanted the images to get darker and more raw; this would help provide a overall better narrative as it will show the development and growth of each individual and eventually show further emotion and improvement of their own dancing experiences and passion related to dancers and dancing. For my final printings I won’t actually be incorporating these images due to the fact that firstly they are only achieve pictures and may not deemed as technically reformed as my own reflection on how I see this topic, however for my photo book I will be using multiple images of each of the dancers to help show the development and growth of their individual dancing careers and emotions that they feel when dancing in different situations.

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