Print Layouts

As well as producing my photo-book I have printed some of my other photographs which I took and edited digitally but did nor fo onto using in my photo-book, I plan to explore different layouts for mounting them either on foam board or using a window mount.

Below shows the images I have chosen to print and also what size I have chosen to print them in, over the course of having them I will experiment with the different layouts of them of how they can fit together as photographs.

I began by researching and looking into different ways that I could trial laying out my photographs on board or in window mounts, as my photographs create and tell one fluid story, narrative I feel I should lay them out in a way which leads the story or highlights important parts of them which I would like to emphasise.

Looking at the photographs I printed out I made three in three different sizes, A4, A3 and A5, I printed out two of each of these sizes to give me some variation in what way I could lay them out. I am still unsure as to whether I place them all collectively together or as separate displays. My photographs are showing two different parts of the story each, one that leads on towards the other, however I am unsure as to whether I should put them all together as one larger narrative or in two separate narratives to keep the two parts separate from each other and as individual stories. This would also allow me to experiment more with my layouts as I could have two different versions rather than one.

Below are four of my trials for display options for my printed photographs, I trialled having my photographs separated onto two different displays and also all together as one collective display, I feel some my photographs might have more of an impact being displayed on foam board and some on window mounts so I want to trail and see how I feel that they would fit and work together, due to having 6 and 3 different sizes I feel that one display may become too crowded which is not what I want to eventually achieve so I feel for this reason I may begin to split up my photographs.

Final Display Plans

Below I have my plans for my final prints, I decided on doing three separate displays due to the types of photographs I had, my middle display I felt is a strong image any itself so decided to keep it singular and in a window mount to keep it in a frame. My left display I felt the photographs worked well together with the repetition of the subjects but also the colour schemes going through the two photographs, I have also decided to window mount these photographs as I feel they will work well with the dark black paper, sunken into the display as the sink into the dark musty green colours of the background I feel works well together. For my last display I paired these three photographs together as they all have very similar colour hues which ascetically work well with each other, as well with the subject matter the close up of the eyes works well in contrast to the action of them being blinded and hidden in my other two photographs which is why I have chosen to place them all together working with each other, I will be displaying this on foam board as I feel they should stand out above the page as well the white I feel will work with the bright blues and purple colours coming through in the photographs.

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