Understanding Photobook Design

THE ERRATICS – Darren Harvey-Regan:

  • Book in hand: how does it feel? Smell, sniff the paper.

Cardboard on front cover – makes the book thicker, more sturdy . Some pages thicker than others – makes book feel like it is changing as you read – reader engagement

  • Paper and ink: use of different paper/ textures/ colour or B&W or both.

Different colours of paper. Glossy and matte paper, all black and white on white paper with black ink

  • Format, size and orientation: portraiture/ landscape/ square/ A5, A4, A3 / number of pages.

A4, portrait,

  • Binding, soft/hard cover. image wrap/dust jacket. saddle stitch/swiss binding/ Japanese stab-binding/ leperello, linen/ card. graphic/ printed image. embossed/ debossed. letterpress/ silkscreen/hot-stamping.

Black soft cover with hard cover pasted over the top – Hard cover features printed image. Soft spine slightly embossed.

  • Title: literal or poetic / relevant or intriguing.

Poetic, Intriguing

  • Narrative: what is the story/ subject-matter. How is it told?

Story told through images of large geological structures in nature contrasted with images of smaller chunks of chalk taken in studio which have been Sculpted by man vs the larger structures being sculptured by nature.

  • Structure and architecture: how design/ repeating motifs/ or specific features develops a concept or construct a narrative.

lines sculpted into rocks to follow lines of pedestal they are displayed on.

  • Design and layout: image size on pages/ single page, double-spread/ images/ grid, fold- outs/ inserts.

Variety of different image layouts – single page (full-bleed), multiple images per page, several sizes of image, loose inserts for text

  • Editing and sequencing: selection of images/ juxtaposition of photographs/ editing process.

nice contrast between studio and landscape images. Juxtaposition between locations per page. Includes both low and high key lighting.

  • Images and text: are they linked? Introduction/ essay/ statement by artists or others.  Use of captions (if any.)

Opening text links to the rest of the images and story

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