ARTIST STUDY – Jonathan Andrew

Jonathan Andrew is a Manchester born photographer working out of the Netherlands. he has acquired many awards across his career including winning an award in ‘historical architecture at the International Photography Awards’ and an honorable mention in ‘night photography at the International Photography Awards’.

The collection photographs various WWII defensive architecture, typically taken at night with the use of artificial lighting, likely to create interesting lighting that better interacts with the monolithic structures photographed. The photos are taken in a documentary fashion, featuring a small aperture and capturing the entirety of the subject in frame. The photos feature high contrast however seem to be adjusted to prevent any overpowering shadows or highlights. Blue and green tones appear to be emphasized across the collection. The images often feature quite heavy vignetting likely to show the importance of the subject in question.

Demonstrated in the image above is the use of heavy vignetting, however the vignette selection appears to have left out a structure in the background. This structure appears smaller due to perspective, thus the viewers eyes will likely first look at the central subject then be drawn to the bunker on the right. in terms of camera setting, the image appears to stay similar to the rest of the collection; the image features a high degree of focus indicative of a small aperture, with even the shadows of the image being sufficiently exposed which implies the use of a long shutter speed, likely in conjunction with a tripod. The compositions for the collections seem similar throughout, often featuring a central subject with a generally uncluttered back/foreground. This image like many others in the collection seems to focus on the blue and green tones in frame, likely done in post due to the distinct lack of other strong tones.

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