ARTIST STUDY – Luigi Ghirri

Luigi Ghirri is an Italian born artist and photographer. Ghirri is considered as a pioneer of contemporary photography. His pictures often feature very baron backgrounds with a starkly contrasting subject. His photography seems to employ abstraction through the use of minimalist forms with little contrast to hide the form of the object. This results in an image with few discernible three dimensional forms, utilizing color blocking to represent forms.

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The lighting in the image is very flat and soft. This image is naturally lit however it seems as though it may have been overcast due to the lack of harsh shadows. It appears as thought the image was taken around mid-day as any shadows appear directly beneath the slide. I believe this was done to further abstract the forms within the image. The image appears to have been taken using a high F stop since the whole image is mostly in focus and there appears to be very little vignetting. There appears to be a considerable amount of grain and Gaussian blur in the image which suggests it is either taken on film (also suggested by slight discoloration on the left) or an old digital camera. The image looks rather cold.

The image features very flat tones across the background which is broken up by the strong contrast created by the bright red slide in the foreground. There is some texture created by the small ripples throughout the sand in the foreground. The piece features very strong lines  with a strong emphasis on triangles created by the slide and the small stream of water across the sound. The ripples in the sand create a repeating pattern until they slowly go out of focus as they reach the background.

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