
These images are from a photoshoot I did, trying to collect some images I thought would work with my personal study whilst also juxtaposing them. The purpose of these images and the feeling I wanted to get from them was purely aesthetic while trying to envoke an emotional response that isn’t constructed.

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I was trying to decide here between a more saturated and vivid effect, bringing out the neons and making the colours and lights the focus of the image, or have the image less saturated, with the colours still being the most obvious feature but also focusing on the scene captured itself.

Again, in these sets of images, I was trying to decide whether I wanted the colours to stand out the most or if I wanted a sort of muted look. In all the images I liked the reflections and wanted to name them to stand out which I think I achieved in images 1 and 3. Looking back, I would’ve cropped them to frame them better.

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