The theme which I focus on in my personal study follows the odyssey of four feelings; change – euphoria – love – regret. For myself, the idea and concept of change has a journey – how change makes you feel euphoric, and you fall in love with your new life but may still suffer with the feelings of regret. Theres been many changes occurring in the past few years of my life, and its changed me as a person, ripped away any safety nets, and started building the person I am now at present. My personal study is going to document how change can affect you emotionally and spirituality as a person, specifically focusing on illness, divorce, loss, lack of love and the idea of rebuilding your so called normality all over again.
Lissy Elle is a young photographer who shoots in film and combines documentary photography with surrealist elements. Most of Elle’s projects and works have focused on her mentality in different stages and places of her life. When asked ‘What is the most important element about a photograph?’, she stated “An emotion, no matter how clichéd that might sound. You can always tell if someone created a piece from a technical place or an emotional place. You can do everything right in terms of lighting and composition and still make a flat and dull photograph. I want to see what you were feeling and what you were thinking and why I should care. If you don’t care then I don’t care.” (EZRAMAGAZINE.Bolger.2019:5)
Historical and theoretical context
Leah, not sure if you have a more recent version of your essay, but it would be good if you could email me your latest version to check and provide further help