Lissy Elle – artist study

Lissy Elle is a self made photographer and art director living in Brooklyn, New York, and Los Angeles, California.

She grew up in rural Ontario, Canada, where her passion and interest for photography started emerging at age 12, spurred by an obsessive and uncontrollable fear that one day she would forget her entire life if as she weren’t to document it. Her body of work is often inspired by this compulsion to photograph, as well as by the vivid colours of early childhood, recurring dreams, there blurry way we see things when we are either too happy or too sad, and the soft hands of the high renaissance.

For me, Elle truly captures the idealistic perception of not wanting to grow up, and finding it hard to let go of familiar things and simply having to deal with change – regardless of wether the changes are positive or negative. Her images create compelling perceptions of nostalgia, almost as if she’s yearning for the emotions she felt in the times she’s documented. This is shown through dream like imagery she creates, using warm, muted colours mixed with pastel palettes and incorporating surrealist elements into her works.

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