For this the project of Occupation VS Liberation, I have learnt a lot of new skills such as learning how to properly use InDesign, how to get the best lighting for photos, how to tell a story and produce a narrative in my zines, learnt more about archives and the history of Jersey occupation in WW2 and how to use light room. The part I enjoyed the most was making and designing my zine as I liked making it visually aesthetic and making a story. To develop my personal study I will research different photographers and take inspiration from past students work to spark an idea that I can work with.
The themes that have inspired me the most were portraits as I would like to explore intimacy with a person and the camera. Also self portraits are something that I would like to experiment with as I am really interested in this method of photography. Jude Luce (a past student from Hautlieu) has inspired me to experiment with love and vulnerability which is something I also experience everyday. I would also like to experiment with gifs and photo montage as these methods are something I like to use in my own work. Another idea I want to explore is abstract portrait photography. Some key photographers that I would like to do research on are Nan Goldin, Larry Sultan, Yael Malka, David Kirscher, Lin Zhipeng and Dorothée Smith.
Photographing WW2 Objects:
When photographing objects from WW2 I learnt more about still life and the techniques used for this art style. I also learnt how to use the flash light with a camera and how to use a coloured backdrop.