Reviewing and Reflecting

From the Occupation Vs Liberation study, there are various aspects of photography that I have learned throughout different investigations. For instance, using a still life table to photograph objects, as well as effectively using Adobe InDesign to create zines and create more interesting layouts than possible in other applications. I also developed more skills in Lightroom for faster image selection editing.

I was especially inspired by using landscapes to show different emotions, which was interesting on its own, but I feel has most impact when compared and contrasted with portraits and close ups on faces. I also found the use of the still life table especially interesting as it gave me the chance to explore more ideas about constructed scenes using smaller objects, which in a lot of ways is a direct contrast of landscapes, which use larger, immovable objects and settings to convey story and emotion.

For my own personal study project I wanted to focus on a subject very close to me personally which is mental illness, and more specifically, depression. I find that this fits really well into the idea of occupation/liberation, as it is something that takes a hold of someone, controlling them and cutting them off from the outside, similarly to that of occupation of Jersey in WWII. As the idea of mental illness is something that is difficult to see physically, it means that it is much harder to show images which will represent it in the way that I want, as unlike the occupation of jersey which left bunkers on the island, there are very few ways to tell that anything has happened/is happening. However I not only want to create a made up story, but something more personal to me, which is about my own experience, and try to make it almost autobiographical in a slightly abstract way. The first ideas that come to mind when showing this subject would be something to do with emptiness and Isolation. For instance, I was thinking of using nature to show many of my key points I want to come across for my personal study, using lone trees or out of place flowers to show isolation or abandoned buildings to show the concept of being empty.


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