Photomontage: Shoot | In Camera working | Lightroom Editing

In-Camera Working

Below shows two examples of my in camera working with the photomontage. On the right I have worked and started to experiment with the use of the geometric shape blocks and the archival material. I have developed a few lot of photographs that incorporate the use of the shapes on the coloured backgrounds as well as the white backgrounds. Being influenced by Rafal Milach I tried to enclose some of the objects almost in the shapes and the cages however I did this in-camera rather than in later editing, but I will want to experiment with using archival images and incorporating them into my photographs. On the left shows my other experiments when I was working with the figures as well as the geometric shapes this is another version of incorporating the people and other aspects into the photographs in response to Milach.

Lightroom Editing

In lightroom I have been working in just updating contrasts and exposures as well as tints to work an enhance the photographs. I have not worked in photoshop as I have wanted to work mainly in camera working for this experiment with the small figures and the coloured backgrounds as well as the geometric shapes. I have worked with the brightness and contrasts of the photographs to enhance the coloured backgrounds I have used to work with the objects in front and help where there may have been some shadowing or dark patches from lighting angles which is the majority of the working I have produced in Lightroom rather than working in photoshop or the camera to particularly edit the photographs.

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