HomeSweetHome – Interior & Exterior Shoot

Whole Contact sheet of shoot:

I started this photoshoot in the afternoon hours of the day and then continued on inside when the natural light dimmed. I feel this photoshoot was successful however I feel if I was to give it another go I would take wider shots of some of my interior. Below shows the contact sheet opened in Lightroom after my photoshoot, this includes all of my photographs that I took which I will then go through and flag so that I can experiment with different ones to create the best outcomes possible.

Contact Sheets and refining:

For my selective process I went through and flagged up all of what I thought would be a first round of best photographs, my really good ones and ones that maybe could get better as an outcome with some editing involved. Next I went through every flagged image only, separated the off and stared them all out of 5 stars, using 3’s and 4’s mostly as a decider of my better images and ones I will not choose to edit. I singled out my 4 star photographs to start looking into editing them and also producing some outcomes that could either be viewed by themselves or as a double or triple display.


While editing my coloured photographs I knew I wanted to create quite warm-toned photographs, compared to being colder-toned, this is because I personally enjoy warm/yellow light compared to white light and I feel editing to a higher temperature and contrast it helps to create the effect and illusion of warm light and a warm toned image even if it wasn’t there in camera originally due to the time of day maybe. I have chosen to make them warm-toned as I personally feel that it makes me relate to and think of it being more homely and welcoming which I think of with the ideas of Home-Sweet-Home.

While editing my black and white photographs I used these as a slight experiment, while developing and editing I felt myself preferring the coloured photographs however felt that some of the interior shots that I produced work well in high-contrast black and white which is where I took these experiments along.

Edited Photographs and Outcomes:

I feel that this photoshoot went well, I feel that my exterior photographs went better than my interior shots, however all together I feel they work well and the exteriors help to bring up the interiors.

Below I have my personal favourite outcomes from the photoshoot and the editing. I feel they are successful being displayed in a trio together as they are all linked and are following the same warm-toned colour scheme.

One thought on “HomeSweetHome – Interior & Exterior Shoot”

  1. Following our chat please aim to complete the following blog posts…
    Visit to Jersey Archives
    Jersey War Tunnels
    Compare and contrast 2 x local photographers
    Occupation Babes visit and photo-shoot
    Home Sweet Home assignment

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