War Tunnels Photo shoot

The Jersey War Tunnels also known as Hohlgangsanlage 8, or the German Underground Hospital, was a partially completed underground hospital, built during the German occupation, which was built by forced and slave workers. There is over 1 Km of Tunnels, and now these tunnels are preserved, and is a memorial to the slave workers who lost their lives building this.

 Ho8 was intended to be a vast network of underground tunnels that would allow the German occupying infantry to withstand Allied air raids and bombardment (in preparation for an invasion).

The tunnels were then opened in 1946 by the states of jersey, however in 1961 it was ruled that the tunnels was owned by the land above it, therefore fell to private ownership. the complex was restored and made into a museum with collections of occupation memorabilia.

My Images:

Here You can see that i have chosen the images that I thought came out of good from the ones which came out blurry.
Final 22 images
I have then selected The images with a 4 star rating which includes 12 photos

Editing Selected Photos:

For the first image I have decided to see if it looks better in black and white, I have decided to go for black and white.
I have edited the temperature and tint of the black and white.
I have changed the exposure and the clarity, I have decreased the shadows and increased the highlights to try and remove the shadows in the glass.
Final Image – Mini Beach Scene – Flag, Sandcastle

Edit 2:

I edited the exposure and highlights within the image to brighten the light, but also decrease the shadows to create the image more vibrant
I have edited the Sharpening of the image therefore increasing the detail within the image, I have also increased the vibrant of the image to make the colour within brighter.
Final Image- Unfinished Tunnel

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