Bob Le Sueur History

Bob Le Sueur is a resident of Jersey and lived through the occupation of Jersey during world war 2. He was around the age of 19 at the start of the occupation. During the beginning of the occupation, Bob experienced a lot such as being woken by an air raid from German Bomber planes. These planes dropped two silver cylinders with parachutes attached each with a note inside telling them that the military control of the island should be surrendered to them within 24 hours. Though, there was no military on the island due to its demilitarization earlier. Due to the limited population throughout the islands, and since it was demilitarized, the British army was told to not help and stay at their posts and do their best.

During the occupation Bob helped Russian prisoners (who were seen as sub-human to the Germans) escape German hold. One of these was someone who was held by two of Bobs friends who shared a flat. He and some other people he knew, managed to get a fake German identification card for him, and a ration book so that he was able to at least stay alive with them.

Bob himself did not have a crystal set radio, but those who did were aware of Berlin falling on April 30th. Though, the Germans did tell everyone that Hitler died defending in the Jersey Evening Post. This quickly lead to the end of the war and Liberation where the surrender papers were signed. Bob also has a story of Liberation day where when using hose-pipe tires on his bike, one of them snapped, sounding like a gun shot, which made German soldiers nearby to him jump to the ground in fear. Bob then told us that this is the experience that made him realize that the Germans were human just like us. He then mentioned how he wanted to go and shake one of these German soldiers hands, but could not bring himself to do so, likely due to the fact they were still considered the enemy and if people saw him do it they may consider him some kind of traitor.

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