Archive Artist – Henry Mullins

Henry Mullins started work in London in the 1840s. He moved to Jersey in July 1848. He set up a studio known as the Royal Saloon. He initially had a partnership with someone else called Mr Millward, though by the following year he was working by himself and carried on doing this for the next 26 years. He advertised his photographs as cheap and coming in various sizes. With the price reduced to half of that in London.

His collection of images was obtained by Clarence Philip Ouless in 1883 and was given to La Societe in 2006.

This is an image of a Mr Bolton by Henry Mullins.

Technical: This image looks as though it would have been taken in his studio using unnatural lighting. I say this due to the simple background within the image, and the lighting coming from the left hand side of the of the camera shining mostly onto one portion of his face. The shutter speed would have been set quite high due to the amount of light captured off of his face and hands.

Visual: The image had been developed in a brown colour. This would have likely been due to camera limitations with not being able to take images in colour. The image has come out with a huge contrast between lighter and darker colours, with the lighter colours only really showing up where his face and hands are, and the darker colours being in the background and his clothing. This likely would have been done due to camera limitations, but also could have been done for other reasons such as making the person within the image look more professional as you can still make out some of the details within the dark suit.

Contextual: This image is one of his very early pieces. This image was taken during the time period of 1848 – 1850. This was just after he had started his portraiture business. This likely was taken when he was starting to become known around the island and began taking images of influential individuals around the island. He was known as the first professional photographer Jersey had due to his skills with the early cameras.

Conceptual: Henry Mullins work became popular with people within the Royal Militia Island of Jersey. It was very popular for these people to get their picture taken and for their families to. The image above could relate to this as I am unsure who Mr Bolton was or about him. Though, he could have been one of the many influential people that Henry photographed such as Dean Le Breton.

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