Narrative and Sequencing

My narrative

-In 3 words- Occupation to memorial

In a sentence- The journey from interior to exterior, the occupation to memorial and today.

In a paragraph- My sequence is a combination of the exterior to interior because my images start underground going through a bunker corridor then go above ground to the guns and bunkers outside then the images of dead wreaths, the landscape around and memorials. My plan is to show the occupation into the present and memorials. I may have my montages in the middle which is a combination of images from the archive and modern pictures I’ve taken myself.

My sequence

at first I was going to do my sequence like this but then I decided to have it like this….
I thought it made more sense move those first two images around to give the sense that you’re walking through the bunk and out of it. I also removed the last image because it didn’t fit with the others.
I then decided to make every second picture a montage

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