Lightroom helps you import, organise, manage and find your images. Lightroom is a photo management and photo editing combined into a single tool.
I started experimenting with Lightroom by using my images from the Battery Moltke photo shoot. The steps below show how Lightroom is the best manipulation software for the selecting and editing process of images.
For the first selection, I went through each image and flagged them. The images which are marked with a white flag means that I may edit them for my final outcomes, while the black flagged images are the ones that I am not interesting in using. I black flagged the images that were overexposed, underexposed, out of focus etc.
The second selection involved me rating the white flagged images out of 5 stars. Any images 3 stars and above would be considered for editing
If images were similar to one another, I would use the comparison tool which displayed the images side by side. This allowed me as the editor to select the image that has the best composition, exposure etc.
Lastly, I turned on a filter to show all the images from the photo shoot which have a 3 star rating or more. Then I used a colour coding system to help me with my final selection. Green: final image to edit, Yellow: possible final image, Red: rejected image