Occupation / Liberation – Post 2 (The Archive)

The Jersey Archive:

The Jersey Archive was established as part of Jersey Heritage in 1993. The Archive is the Island’s national repository and their purpose is to preserve the unique written cultural heritage of the Island therefore ensuring that future generations in Jersey can access archival material to learn more about Jersey’s past, as well as material on their predecessors. Since 1993 Jersey Archive has collected over 500,000 archival records from places or people related to the Island. Such as:

  • States of Jersey, States Committees and Departments
  • The Royal Court
  • H.E. Lieutenant-Governor
  • Parishes
  • Churches
  • Businesses
  • Societies
  • Individuals

These records are now stored in our environmentally monitored strongrooms at the Jersey Archive and can be searched online. The Jersey Archive is the official repository for the Island documentary heritage, and can offer guidance, information and documents that relate to all aspects of the Island’s History. The archives hold records and documents of all kinds, some being:

These records are now stored in our environmentally monitored strongrooms at the Jersey Archive and can be searched online. The Jersey Archive is the official repository for the Island documentary heritage, and can offer guidance, information and documents that relate to all aspects of the Island’s History. The archives hold records and documents of all kinds, some being:

  • House History
  • Contracts
  • Island Maps
  • Criminal Records for Family Historians
  • Military Records for Family Historians
  • Conservation
  • Preservation and Storage of Documents
  • Useful Websites
  • German Occupation
  • Bankruptcy Records
  • Historic Buildings Research Leaflet

The long term preservation and security of the records kept in the archives is highest priority. Since the Public Records (Jersey) Law was passed in 2002 the Jersey Archive has been the official repository for all archival records produced by public institutions. The Jersey Archive does also accept records from businesses, clubs, societies and individuals. These can be donated or deposited on long term long loan whereby ownership remains with the depositing person. Once catalogued, documents are carefully packed in acid free materials and stored in the correct environmental conditions.

Online Archive:

As well as collecting and preserving records the Archive is committed to making archives available to all members of the local and worldwide community. Records that are stored at Jersey Archive are catalogued staff and made available via the Archives and Collections Online to allow easier access to these documents for people who may not be able to physically get there. Their website allows you to search through the archives by entering a name, place or subject that is relevant to your research.

Photography in Archives:

Photography has a double role within archives, as most photographs in the archives today were likely taken by random members of the public, they can be viewed today to give a sense of what life was like, what Jersey looked like and of the people who have lived here in the past. This is important as it shows how the island truly was and gives us a pure insight into the Island’s history without any bias or other motive. Many images in the archive have also been taken by photographers and artists over the years. However, while these images are truthful and show the island in years previous, the artist or photographer likely had certain ideas or concepts which their photographs had to adhere to, thus creating a sense of falsehood if images were staged or taken with certain intentions.

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