Portrait Project Introduction

Portrait photography is genre of photography that focuses on one person, or a group of people, that captures the personality of the subject using lighting, backdrops, and poses. Throughout this unit of work, I will be focusing on 6 areas of portrait photography: Environmental Portraits(Taking pictures of people in a working environment in which they are aware of the camera and photographer, looking directly into the lens), Street photography(taking pictures of people in public where the subject is not paying attention to the camera or photographer), tableau vivant photography(from the French phrase meaning ‘living picture’ tableau vivant is a scene in which one or more actors/models are carefully posed and positioned with props, and are usually lit in a theatrical fashion), studio photography(using lighting and flash techniques in an artificial environment with different backdrops), Photo-Montage(layering multiple images on top of one another to create meaning or symbolism) as well as Identity and place(taking pictures representing aspects of people’s lives that makes them who they are)

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