Mock Exam Final outcome

Final Images

I have decided upon my final outcome for my mock exam on Identity and place.  I have been studying and developing ideas based upon removal and concealment of identity and I have drawn inspiration from both Lucas Simoes and Michael Maku, Both of whom have work that truly represents the obscuring of identity.

I personally prefer Maku’s approach of editing and manipulating images by hand rather than Simoes digital editing techniques, as I find that by editing by hand, I have more freedom and fine control over certain elements and I am able to give my work a much more authentic look and feel. I have decided that rather than chose one approach, I will attempt to use both methods and sometimes combine these methods together.

Below are the final, Edited Images I have selected. The ones that havent been edited will be altered by physical methods which I will demonstrate after this section. I will also physically manipulate some edited images to combine the two methods together


Image 1

This is a good image due to the presence of neutral colours such as the gray lichen on the wall, The concrete pier and the rusting in the hatch in comparison to the subjects black jeans and khaki jacket.

Image 2

This image is composed mainly of blue and green with a bit of red and I like the overall boldness of the image yet it also being quite calm and consisting of pale colors, This image will be scratched and torn as well as having features of tape incorporated into it

Image 3

This image is good due to the subject being in the foreground and consisting of brighter colors than that of the background. I will tape over this image and scratch it in order to give it a distressed effect.


Image 4

In this image, I have decided to completely desaturate the background and isolate the subject in a separate layer and applied a motion blur. The subject has also had the vibrance altered to fit in with the background and give a sense of brightness that fits in with the background and doesn’t harshly stand out


Image 5

In this image I have applied a Box blur to the subject. I will tear and scratch this piece and incorporate elements of tape

Image 6

In this image I have applied a Box blur. I will also Scratch it and apply taping and tearing purely for aesthetic

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