In the exam I want to produce my final images by taking inspiration from the artists Barbara Kruger, and Steve Rosenfield. My final images will consist of portraits alongside text, they will be edited in the style of Barbara Kruger using Photoshop, but take the same approach as Rosenfield in regards to the text.
Personally, I believe that self portraits would have been more appropriate for this concept, however I did not feel comfortable doing this and so therefore have chosen to use portraits of some of my closest friends; Erin, Daisy, and Katie, as they influence my social identity.
I’ve chosen to tackle some extremely controversial and sensitive topics, emotional abuse and mental illness and how the stigma and after effects can lead to ones loss of identity, and the consequences that change a person, whether that be for the better or not, afterwards, I have made this personal to me by incorporating some of my story and making it more personal.
I’m aiming for my images to be in a sort of ‘series’ and tell a story whilst also being able to be separate, individual images.
I want my final pieces to represent how these negative factors, that are very stigmatised, and very frowned upon and judged, do have long term effects on a child’s identity growing up, however that is not always negative. I want to represent the ‘loss of identity’ a child can feel and experience due to a negative environment.
To finish, I’d like to frame my final images together so that they can be seen as a whole story.