Photo-Montage Mood Board


A photo-montage is a type of montage constructed from photographic images. In the modern age, this style of photographic editing is typically created using Adobe Photoshop or other computer software. The style has been tracked back to as early as the 1860s, but was made more popular in the 1880s when people were starting to be more experimental with their exposures. Early photo montage would consist of cutting out parts of one or more images and paste them on top of an existing photograph. These elements would later be explored in more detail by futurist and dadaist photographers at the start of the 20th century.

Mood board:

Image result for eugenia loliImage result for jerry uelsmann photomontageImage result for david hockneyRaoul Hausmann, ‘The Art Critic’ 1919–20Image result for grete stern photomontageImage result for rodchenko photomontage


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