Studio Photography II

So this was my second time doing photography in the studio, so at first I had the same struggles of under and over exposing the photos, so I was adjusting the ISO after every photo just to get the perfect image which really paid off in IMG_0621.JPG.

During most of the photos I had the ISO set at around 400-800 but eventually changed it to auto, so it would instantly adjust to what ISO was needed on the spot.

I did however always use manual focus, just so I could change where I wanted the focal point to be or whether I wanted my models to be in or out of focus, which I like to differ depending on the lighting and my mood or where the models are standing.

I was very lucky in this instance to be able to have 2 models which enabled me to change my style of photography for each, due to their differences in look and style I was able to use these to my advantage and let them express themselves for the camera.

You will notice in this contact sheet that there is a new color which only surrounds myself. This is because of us working in one group we all used the same camera, I isolated my pictures from the rest so I could not be biased towards them. But due to the light, focal points and camera work they are nice photos.

My favorite photos are the green bordered photos, this is because in these ones I really feel like I helped express the models movement and personality into the photo, making it seem naturalistic and just great.


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