Clare Rae gallery visit

Clare Rae

Clare Rae is an Australian photographer who has recently done a Photo shoot in Jersey based on the work of Claude Cahun, A local photographer who lived on the island during the 1940s and 1950s. The photo shoot explored both Rae and Cahuns love of nature and their position within it in terms of  the association of the female body with the natural environment

The shoot itself was taken in rural spots around the Island, with many easily identifiable coastal scenes throughout the piece of work. Gorse bushes and lichen strung rocks play an important part in the shoot. The images are essentially of a self portraiture nature as they highlight the individuals association with their environment and tell a story

Here are a few pictures of the visit

A large amount of images, all themed on coastal fauna and the artists association with them. The images were taken at various locations around the island such as Le Hocq, Grosnez castle and Beauport headland.

This image is a particular favourite of mine due to the abstract nature of the image. The image depicts rae, Placing one arm through a hole in a piece of old ruin and hiding behind it

In this image, Cahun is seen with a Nazi eagle badge in her mouth. This can be seen as representative of the local environment at the time of the shoot due to the Nazi occupation of Jersey, Which lasted from late 1939 until may 1945.

Each Picture tells a different story, yet all explore the unique association both artists have with their natural environment



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