Martin Creed

Martin creed was born in 1968 in Wakefield, England. He went to The Slade School of Art in London for 4 years in the late 80s. He has done a lot of work, and many exhibitions all over the world.
He mostly photographs simple, everyday items in very effective manors so that all his images look aesthetically pleasing. The specific pictures of his that I will be focusing on are the images of paper he has previously taken.


  • Shadowing- used to enhance contrast
  • Simple elements
  • Different ways of folding paper
  • Lighting used in different ways

This image is named image No.88, this image shows how simple elements in a photograph can be very successful. One very successful element in this image is the background of the image as it is again very simple and also plain which doesn’t distract from the very detailed crumpled paper. I also really like the use of the lighting used to photograph the paper ball as it creates a small shadow of the right hand side which is clear to the audience that there is a light source coming from the left hand side. This shadowing adds contrast to the image because of the darker coloring.

This image is also part of the no.88 collection and is very similar to the other picture i had analysed from the collection. However, Creed has used a darker background which helps to emphasise the detail on the crumpled paper. A right hand side light has also been used to create a shadowing on the left hand side which again adds contrast to the image due to the different brightness’s in the image.

Planning my photo shoot 

After taking inspiration from Creed i have decided to take pictures of paper. I personally really like the way that he used paper balls as well as crumpled paper and therefore my images will be based on those. I plan to use different lighting in order to create textures and contrasts.

Contact sheets

Best images 

I think this image is very successful because of the contrast between the light and dark in the picture. I think the black background helps the white paper ball to stand out which was an aim of mine when starting this photo shoot.

Even thought i really like the contrast of the white and dark, in order to improve the image I would use a white background and use  light from a right hand side which would create shadows which was another aim of mine.

A detail i really like about this image is the freshly scrumped paper as this relates a lot to Creed’s no.88 work as he used the same technique.

I really like this image as i like the small shadowing shown on the right hand side from the natural light from the window. This helps to add tone into the image due to the contrast in the shadowing, white paper and black background.

In order to improve this image I would use Adobe Photoshop to enhance subject of the image ( the paper) and make it lighter which would then help contrast between the shadowing and darkness of the image.


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