Aaron Siskind

Aaron Siskind

Aaron Siskind was born on December 4, 1903 in New York. Siskind and Callahan, famous for their synergy as teachers and photographers, reunited in 1971 when SIskind left the Institute of Design for the Rhode Island School of Design where Callahan then taught.

This is one of Aaron Siskind’s work

Siskind was interested in surfaces and texture from the natural environment surrounded by us in everyday life. therefore my response to his work is focused between those two areas.

Most of siskind’s work is based in images of black and white which immediately sets his work to a more detail and higher levels of contrast. His work caught my attention as when taking photographs I like working with black and white as for me it brings details that wouldn’t normally be as visible when I’m colour. However this works the same for some images that are colour that if you edited to black and white wouldn’t be as outstanding to some. However siskind’s work is different due to his focus on texture and levels in the images.


These are just some of the images I have taken based on Aaron Siskind’s work on texture and surface.

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